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It's been a long time coming

05 May 2006

Hey folks,
for anyone out there still reading this thang, I have not fallen off the face of the earth!! Life and work have been exceptionally busy of late.

Here's some highlights:

1. Katoomba Men's Convention

The speakers told it like it really is. The weekend was a lovely conglomerate of hanging with the 15 odd unichurch dudes, eating stacks of food late at night, listening to some awesome talks and not sleeping much. The weekend was capped off with an awesome drive out to McMahons lookout. We were chasing the sunset to make sure we got there while we could still see. Riding in Mike's car was like rally driving as the 15-20km dirt/rock road winded it's way along a ridge. When we reached the end of the road, we were met by an 800m run through a bush trail to finally arrive at ground zero.

Here are some photos:

And some videos:

A weird, tiny bug in the car

Rally driving ahoy!

McMahon's Lookout

Checkout the moon!

2. A little Bible Study action - yeah!!!

This year's Bible study group is kickin some major butt in the mojo factorrr.
With a great line-up in place, what makes this group awesome is the word diversity. Every week we seem to approach the Bible differently, yet in the process we turn over the suitcase of the passage and ruffle through the contents. I never knew that to exegete could be this fun!
OK, so those last few sentences were a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I actually mean it - I look forward to Wednesday nights =)

3. Rebecca St. James and Steven Curtis Chapman

Stay tuned, and I'll update about these guys later!!

Until next time, stay classy,


Author: Martyn » Comments: